Of to see the new Bond Film today. I will let you all know ho it is. I have seen a few clips and it looks really good, I'm hoping that the new 'blond' Bond played by Daniel Craig will be one of the best Bonds yet.
Another week is over my leg is finally on the mend, I'm no longing limping, thought infection is still there but even this is getting better now, Anyway, I'm Tired its 7.45am as I'm writing this so I'm off back to bed for a another hour or so..
Close My eye.. by Tim Young
I want to close my eyes
to sleep
but you are here
so i want to look at you
maybe all night long
you sooth me
you calm me
you make me smile.
What can I say about you
that Ive not already said
I will never get bored
of saying
I love you
I pray you will never get bore
of hearing me say it.
I thought I would add a pic of me as some of you do not know what I look like, sorry if i have scared any one
I have Just noticed that I have had over 300 visits to my Blog, Thanks too all of you, Especially Niall my brother for all your kind comments on my Poetry.
See you all next time
Dear brother..why don't you let people see the real you..why are you wearing that Frankenstein mask?
I Liked this poem too.
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