I'm so looking forward to the rest at Christmas, I break up from work today, there is a rumor that we might get to go home early. I hope so. I'm looking forward to a few lay- ins, breakfast in bed. Obviously looking forward to opening my presents on Christmas day. This years as always we are going Wendy's mums for Christmas dinner, these are usually really good, great food and good company. Later in the Day we are going to my brothers, its always a special time.
Anyway I'm sure you only come to the blog to read my poetry not whats happening in my life..
Poem Time. Christmas by Tim Young
Christ came to earth so many years ago
How time has passed, but the 'Message'
Remains the same
It's how we respond the message that counts
Store it in our hearts
Trashing it, throw it away
Maybe we should take a second look
Ask ourselves what it really means.
Seasons greeting to you all
Friday, December 22, 2006
Monday, December 18, 2006
New York builders
I have a picture on my wall, its famous picture, am sure you know the one, it the one where 11 new york builders are sitting on Girder high up over new York, the fascinating thing is that they are not wearing safety harness, this would not happen to day. We are so obsessed with making every thing so safe we are so afraid that some one will Sue us that we have to put "contents may be hot" on a coffee cup in a vending machine. Society is changing some of it for the better but not all of it, We have to be so careful about what we say and do. Even Jesus is being pushed slowly out of Christmas because it might offend some one from another religion.
Poetry Time.
Unforgiven. by Tim Young
Are you unforgiven
does guilt hound you
search for you
eat away at your thoughts.
We can be so bound up
as we has have not been able to
or unwilling to forgive
or we have not asked for
or wanted to receive forgiveness.
Yet to be forgive
is liberating
to receive forgiveness
is amazing.
I hope pride will not
stand in our way.
where as Pride is a terrible master
freedom leads you to happiness
Poetry Time.
Unforgiven. by Tim Young
Are you unforgiven
does guilt hound you
search for you
eat away at your thoughts.
We can be so bound up
as we has have not been able to
or unwilling to forgive
or we have not asked for
or wanted to receive forgiveness.
Yet to be forgive
is liberating
to receive forgiveness
is amazing.
I hope pride will not
stand in our way.
where as Pride is a terrible master
freedom leads you to happiness
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Just pressing buttons
Do you seize the day. Got for it. Try to realise your dreams or ambitions. Or do you just press the buttons. Is your day spontaneous or routine, exciting or humdrum. As long as you are happy either of the these options are OK. Happiness is what its all about. With out happiness or love on our lives we are empty. We all have the need to be loved. Some would say especially at Christmas, I say all the time. I once wrote in one of my poems that
Lack of war
can help keep you alive
but lack of Love
can kill.
Poem Time..
Cats. by TimYoung
My Cat sits
as on a thrown
looking around
smelling, sensing.
He may purr
He may think he's superior
to all other animals
He probably knows
Cats were worshiped adored.
He thinks he can bring Bad luck
or good luck.
But to me he's a cat
and he licks his own BUM.
Lack of war
can help keep you alive
but lack of Love
can kill.
Poem Time..
Cats. by TimYoung
My Cat sits
as on a thrown
looking around
smelling, sensing.
He may purr
He may think he's superior
to all other animals
He probably knows
Cats were worshiped adored.
He thinks he can bring Bad luck
or good luck.
But to me he's a cat
and he licks his own BUM.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Well folks its nearly here, Christmas. Personally I can't wait. Its a great time. It's good to to share gifts, have meals with other family members. Have time off work. Not having to get up early in the mornings.
I have a small fibre optic Christmas tree that sits on my desk at work, i looks lonely but its there flashing away to all that will look at it. A few of the people have decorated their desks with tinsel some look OK but mostly it looks rather tacky. As a country we have lost the real meaning of Christmas, its all about money theses days and not celebrating the birth of Jesus. Another thing I'm looking forward to is is the Carol concert at church this is usually very good and very funny as between the songs there is usually some sketches, so as i say its a great time of year.
Poem Time... Songs by Tim Young
What song
what tune
will I sing today.
Our bodies
the instrument
the life plays.
We sing along
to the tune of life.
Sometime happy
sometimes sad.
Blues or Rock
Classic or alternative.
I've just woken up
not yet pressed play
So I wonder
What song
what tune
will I sing today.
I have a small fibre optic Christmas tree that sits on my desk at work, i looks lonely but its there flashing away to all that will look at it. A few of the people have decorated their desks with tinsel some look OK but mostly it looks rather tacky. As a country we have lost the real meaning of Christmas, its all about money theses days and not celebrating the birth of Jesus. Another thing I'm looking forward to is is the Carol concert at church this is usually very good and very funny as between the songs there is usually some sketches, so as i say its a great time of year.
Poem Time... Songs by Tim Young
What song
what tune
will I sing today.
Our bodies
the instrument
the life plays.
We sing along
to the tune of life.
Sometime happy
sometimes sad.
Blues or Rock
Classic or alternative.
I've just woken up
not yet pressed play
So I wonder
What song
what tune
will I sing today.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
61 no not my age but my 61st post. I can't believe it. Time seams to be going so quickly.
Next October is my 25Th wedding anniversary, so a few months ago we booked a Holiday to Menorca. We received a letter last week informing us that the flight we had booked on from the East Midland Airport was now cancelled. We went to the travel agents and tried several ways to sort it out, that would enable us to fly from the same airport but sadly we were unable to, which means that we now have to travel to Manchester airport. Its not too much out of the way but we will be flying later in the day.
Poem time. Flying by Tim Young
A huge lump of shaped metal
being propelled forward
managed to rise in the air.
And stay there!!!!
I have been there
I know its true.
I've been above the clouds
looked down on the earth
far below.
I been there and experienced a dream
that I could fly.
I want to go again
Next October is my 25Th wedding anniversary, so a few months ago we booked a Holiday to Menorca. We received a letter last week informing us that the flight we had booked on from the East Midland Airport was now cancelled. We went to the travel agents and tried several ways to sort it out, that would enable us to fly from the same airport but sadly we were unable to, which means that we now have to travel to Manchester airport. Its not too much out of the way but we will be flying later in the day.
Poem time. Flying by Tim Young
A huge lump of shaped metal
being propelled forward
managed to rise in the air.
And stay there!!!!
I have been there
I know its true.
I've been above the clouds
looked down on the earth
far below.
I been there and experienced a dream
that I could fly.
I want to go again
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Its 3am as I'm writing this. I have started a new blog. My blog story is up and running, you can find a link on the front page here. Please visit. If you wish to write some of the story please submit it as a comment, If I like it I will add it to the story. I hope to have some fun with it, the story is really for my amusement so I'm not that interested in punctuation spelling or whether the story has plot holes, it just to be enjoyed. I hope you have a few laughs reading it and I hope you will add to it, so please join in the fun, even if you only supply a few lines or and idea of where the story should go.. Thanks for your support this this Blog. Thanks to all of you who have given me encouragement.
See you all in my next post
Poem.....Market Square. by Tim Young
Today I went to the market Square
To look for you
but you weren't there.
i looked for you
you did not care.
in the crowd in loneliness
I can only stand and stare.
stood by myself
it was hard to bare.
I had to see you
to see you there
i strained to look
to blink i did not dare
how i wished this moment
with you i could share
I stand lost
with feelings of dispare.
Then a fleeting glimpse
did i just see your hair
will my loneliness go
will my feelings repair?
Yes its you my love
I'm out of air
as i fight though the crowds
to leave this Market Square
not by myself
but as part of a pair.
See you all in my next post
Poem.....Market Square. by Tim Young
Today I went to the market Square
To look for you
but you weren't there.
i looked for you
you did not care.
in the crowd in loneliness
I can only stand and stare.
stood by myself
it was hard to bare.
I had to see you
to see you there
i strained to look
to blink i did not dare
how i wished this moment
with you i could share
I stand lost
with feelings of dispare.
Then a fleeting glimpse
did i just see your hair
will my loneliness go
will my feelings repair?
Yes its you my love
I'm out of air
as i fight though the crowds
to leave this Market Square
not by myself
but as part of a pair.
Friday, December 08, 2006
This may sound like advertising, buts its not I'm just going to comment on the wonders ofSkype. e have just got an Internet telephone that plugs in to your usb socket. I have now down loaded for free Skype software. I can now talk to other skype uses for free over the Internet for as long as I like. You can buy credit so you can call ordinary land line phones and mobile phones, the dialling charges with Skype are very competitive. So sorry this sounds like an advert for them. You do not need an Internet telephone to use Skype it just a a mic and speakers will do. Remember it FREE to talk to other skype users...
Poem Time. Oyster by Tim Young
The world is my Oyster
some people say
a blank canvas
the road a head
is full of opportunities.
Its true
we can shape out own destiny's
by staying positive
we can achieve
the desires of our hearts.
Yet we must
be willing to make mistake
to accepted the times
when things go badly
or just plain wrong
life is unpredictable
but so exciting.
Poem Time. Oyster by Tim Young
The world is my Oyster
some people say
a blank canvas
the road a head
is full of opportunities.
Its true
we can shape out own destiny's
by staying positive
we can achieve
the desires of our hearts.
Yet we must
be willing to make mistake
to accepted the times
when things go badly
or just plain wrong
life is unpredictable
but so exciting.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Am sitting here at my PC wondering what on earth to write. Some time I come to write my Blogg and just stare in space wating for insiration as to what to put down here. The only thing that seam to come naturally is the poetry. I hope you like what I have written over the last few month.
If you are new to reading this the poetry is 'instant Poetry' made up on the spot with not ideas before hand and no editing. They appear rough but that's how I like them, from the heart, honest poems not fancy piece's of literature.
To be honest with you I don't read many other poets, as Spike Milligan said once when asked if he read and works of a certain Author ( who is dead ) He said why should I he never reads any of mine.
I'm thinking now about expanding my blog and writing a few lines of a story each day, what do you think. Should I do it? here or make up another blog? Let me know.
Today's Poem Words.....by TIM YOUNG
are made up of letters
Letters are made up of words
then posted.
The receiver reads the letter
digests the words.
The words turn to feelings
and meaning to the reader.
If you are new to reading this the poetry is 'instant Poetry' made up on the spot with not ideas before hand and no editing. They appear rough but that's how I like them, from the heart, honest poems not fancy piece's of literature.
To be honest with you I don't read many other poets, as Spike Milligan said once when asked if he read and works of a certain Author ( who is dead ) He said why should I he never reads any of mine.
I'm thinking now about expanding my blog and writing a few lines of a story each day, what do you think. Should I do it? here or make up another blog? Let me know.
Today's Poem Words.....by TIM YOUNG
are made up of letters
Letters are made up of words
then posted.
The receiver reads the letter
digests the words.
The words turn to feelings
and meaning to the reader.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Nearly over
In 3 weeks time it will be over, another Christmas done and dusted. In 4 weeks the toys bought for the all the children will either be discarded or broken. Its nothing new I guess its always been like that. I used to love the faces of my children when they opened their presents on Christmas morning, Christmas is a great time for kids. I still enjoy it and still get very excited not least that I will get a few gifts but also I get some time off work to spend with my family. I could not think of anything better.
Toy?... by TIM YOUNG
I sat on the shelf waiting
for a hungry hand to snatch me up
I saw the shelves empty around me
I wondered
I waited
The coloured lights
flash in the window
Its that time of year again.
I wait.
Then it happened
a hand reached out
grabbed me
I was examined
I felt precious
I was placed in a basket and paid for
My waiting was over.
I arrived home a few hours later
placed in a special place and I waited
The house was busy
lights flashing
music playing
then when it was all over
I knew my time was coming
I hand reach out and used a part of me
That part was swallowed with water.
The poor soul bleary eyed went back to bed.
Every body needs sometime
for the morning after headache.
Toy?... by TIM YOUNG
I sat on the shelf waiting
for a hungry hand to snatch me up
I saw the shelves empty around me
I wondered
I waited
The coloured lights
flash in the window
Its that time of year again.
I wait.
Then it happened
a hand reached out
grabbed me
I was examined
I felt precious
I was placed in a basket and paid for
My waiting was over.
I arrived home a few hours later
placed in a special place and I waited
The house was busy
lights flashing
music playing
then when it was all over
I knew my time was coming
I hand reach out and used a part of me
That part was swallowed with water.
The poor soul bleary eyed went back to bed.
Every body needs sometime
for the morning after headache.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Do you get tired of waiting. Waiting for a bus waiting for your dinner, waiting for Christmas. Waiting is a part of life, I hate waiting.Each day I walk to the bus stop and have to wait for it. The bus seams to run to its own time table not the one printed in the bus stop.Life is full of waiting. Do you you have a wife or a husband or a girl/boy friend ( pick the one most suitable to you ) Don't let them wait any longer to let them that you love them. Make the day great, face them hold their hand and look them in the eye and say "I appreciate all you do for me...I love you" the look on their face will be priceless.
Poem.. Priceless by Tim Young
When some one
sarcastically Say's you are priceless
they do not mean that
priceless is
beyond expense
beyond money
they mean you are priceless
is it true
I say NO
Do not believe their Lie's
never think
you have no worth
you are unique...Special
A one off never to be repeated.
As you look at yourself
in the mirror
try to see yourself
as others see you
accepted your self
may be Love your self
and say to yourself
that Gold is worth its weight
in YOU.
Poem.. Priceless by Tim Young
When some one
sarcastically Say's you are priceless
they do not mean that
priceless is
beyond expense
beyond money
they mean you are priceless
is it true
I say NO
Do not believe their Lie's
never think
you have no worth
you are unique...Special
A one off never to be repeated.
As you look at yourself
in the mirror
try to see yourself
as others see you
accepted your self
may be Love your self
and say to yourself
that Gold is worth its weight
in YOU.
Saturday, December 02, 2006
I hope I never tire of writing poetry. When I started to write poetry back in the very early 1980's I was trying to copy my brother, who wrote songs, I realised that that was something I could not do, so my attempts at righting songs turned into poetry. I hope that over the years my poetry has matured, when I look back at those first few I realise how far I have come. I'm very happy with what I write Even if other do not like them I do, I do not go back to them and rewrite them. Whether I will in the future I can not yet say.
Poem. Rats By Tim Young
Noses twitching
whiskers moving
alert ears and eyes
constantly searching
for danger
for foot
for attention.
Small feet
sharp claw
and long scaly tail.
They are distrusted
by many
who do not understand them.
Yet in their domesticated form
their lives as pets
are unsurpassed
they are intelligent
and funny.
Please spend a few hours
in the company of Rats
and you will see
your fears melt away
your prejudices forgotten
try to understand them
as we fear only those things
that we do not understand.
Poem. Rats By Tim Young
Noses twitching
whiskers moving
alert ears and eyes
constantly searching
for danger
for foot
for attention.
Small feet
sharp claw
and long scaly tail.
They are distrusted
by many
who do not understand them.
Yet in their domesticated form
their lives as pets
are unsurpassed
they are intelligent
and funny.
Please spend a few hours
in the company of Rats
and you will see
your fears melt away
your prejudices forgotten
try to understand them
as we fear only those things
that we do not understand.
England seam to be doing well against Australia in the second test. Lets hope that it continues. Also I hope that my team Derby County do well later today. COME on RAMS, we could go top of the league today.
I'm glad its saturday ot sure what the day will have in store but what ever it is I ill be ready for it.
Must get around to do some Christmas Shopping.
POEM time. Cricket by TIM YOUNG
Cricket is a game
a strange game
in many forms
simple yet complicated
like a game of chess
all emotions catered for
I'm glad its saturday ot sure what the day will have in store but what ever it is I ill be ready for it.
Must get around to do some Christmas Shopping.
POEM time. Cricket by TIM YOUNG
Cricket is a game
a strange game
in many forms
simple yet complicated
like a game of chess
all emotions catered for
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About Me
- Tim Young
- nottingham, United Kingdom
- I'm TIM 47 from England, married to Wendy for 28 years