Thursday, February 11, 2010


One man changed a nation, do you remember the scene 20 years ago when he walked free from prison, the country was on the verge of civil war. fortunately that is all behind them now. Mandella was in the right place at the right time to bring stability to a great nation. I believe Jesus was the same he was in the right place at the right time, yes he was God but he was fully human. He is life and sacrifice gave away for man ( mankind ) to but put back together with God. His life and sacrifice would have meant nothing with out the resurrection.

Place and time

Are you
in the right place and time
will you make a difference
will people say of you
there is someone to look up to
there is someone to follow.

This may not happen to you or me
but our choice
help to shape the life's of other
whether family or friend

be assured
We make a difference
you make a difference

TY 11/02/10

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nottingham, United Kingdom
I'm TIM 47 from England, married to Wendy for 28 years