Hi All, I'm back again, I really should get back back to this its been a long time. One thing I have learnt through this is that you have to make posts to get comments, since I have been away I have had I think only one comment two on maybe three. I have just
received a comment so thought I'm have to do another entry. I have not been writing much poetry recently. I have been doing a little art work. A local gallery has taken one of my pieces and will be selling it as a limited edition print. My daughter also makes felted jewelery she has sold some to the same gallery and is busy making some more.
statement... by
Tim Young
Do I have to make a statement
leave my
mark on the world
a legacy.
Do I have to invent
a device so cunning
so cleaver.
Do I have to say
words of
wisdomso cunning.
I need to be myself
may be i will make a statement
leave an
inventionor words of wisdom
for future generations.
That may have but only as a result
of being me.
TY 10.11.08