Saturday, January 29, 2011

help and inspiration

Just a word about inspiration and help. I would like to thank my brother for supplying both of these over the years, with out him I would have learnt how to draw and paint, with out him and his prayers I would have become a Christian, my life was changed many years ago, Thank you Niall.
My brother is an Artist who produces work of great quality, if you are not acquented with his work please do so.

To whom is may concern.

Long ago
more years than I care to remember
we played
laughed and cried.
lived and survived.
Now we live different lives
different dreams
We have family;s
who play together
share together
they laugh and cry.

May we be a help and inspiration
to them
so they may intern
may do the same

ty 29.01.11

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Myspace, Myspace Graphics, Myspace Backgrounds

About Me

nottingham, United Kingdom
I'm TIM 47 from England, married to Wendy for 28 years