Hello, its been 9 months since my last post. Lots has happened and nothing has happened, thats life. Lots that has blessed me but would be of no interest to you my reader. Work is going well. I have been doing arty things. I hope you like the result.
I have been getting back into Scratch Board. This picture of a Bearded Dragon in 10"x8". Posted it on deviant-art, seems to have gone down well there.
I have not been writing much poetry recently, although I have written a couple of murder mystery plays, I have keeping busy.
I also have a new camera, A casio Exilim, I love what it can do, it can take video and slow motion video.
Hope you like it.
So to instant poetry.
Slow motion
Don't you wish
wouldn't you like
to have a slow motion button
that could slow down life.
May be pause and rewind
what would you revisit
a good moment to relive
a bad moment change.
We have to live in the now
no slow motion button for us
other than out memories
and capture moments
in our digital cameras.
see you all next time.